Sunday, December 23, 2007

balboa nights

My Dad and I set out last night each armed with a camera. Our mission - to take photographs we could frame above the fire place. We arrived at Balboa Pier around 5 just as the sun was setting. Surprisingly, I somehow forgot my memory card (I tend to forget things) so my Dad was gracious enough to let me take turns with him which adversely allowed me to share his tripod too. :) We got some pretty good time exposure shots. None of them necessarily great enough for the mantle, but here are a few favorites from my camera.

Ruby's on the Pier.

I love the way lights look out of focus.

This isn't that great of a shot, but it's awesome because that land mass is actually Catalina Island. It was a really clear night.

The first of many of these.

This one is probably my favorite with the line of palm trees and the coast line. The ocean was gorgeous - the white foam contrasted the deep navy of the sea beautifully.

The full moon is what enabled me to get such lit shots even with the time exposure.

I love these view finders. They seem nostalgic to me.

We took a quick walk down to the fun zone. This is the Ferris Wheel in action. It looked a lot bigger when I was a kid.

Fun zone!

After freezing in the ocean air, my Dad treated us to dinner at Ruby's complete with a black cherry shake.

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