Sunday, November 25, 2007


I love blogging! It is so much fun to have one and to read others. My best friend Cristina has recently chosen to enter the freelance photography world. (She has a great eye for it!) While doing this, she has come across some great photography blogs. I spent an hour last night looking through them. I will probably add a few to my links at the right. So definitely check them out!

In lieu of discussion of photography blogs, here is another glimpse from London. This is my favorite photo of Big Ben taken on the trip. The sky is so vibrant. Unfortunately, it isn't at best quality because it has to fit on here, but you can imagine.

1 comment:

Cristina said...

Ooooh...that is so pretty! I LOVE the bright blue sky with the scattered clouds. Thanks for the compliment on your blog :) I love photography!!! Those blogs are my favorite...they are my daily internet searches! love you...