Wednesday, March 18, 2009

i dream

Aloft a vibrant tree, I sat amongst the branches in quiet contemplation. It is here where I dreamt. The rain would trickle down through the monotone greens and softly fall around me. The harmony of the weather with my thoughts clouded over anything troublesome in memory. I would build large 3 story houses with decorated attics full of treasures. Walking through the neighborhood, I'd cuddle up in my coat in 70 degree winters in Southern California and pretend I was walking miles in 2 feet of snow. My feet would walk the thin wall behind my house and I'd imagine I was playing follow the leader with my 5 brothers and sisters.

If there is anything I learned from being an only child, it was to dream. When friends couldn't come over or it was dinner time, my house would become an imaginary play house in which I dictated the characters and colors of events. In some ways, I'm sure I could have built better tents with more people, but similarly I didn't have the competition of other children or the arguments over which sheet should be used. As an only child, I was free to dream in any which way they chose to flow no matter any concern of anyone else.

Because of this, I think I am a bit more idealistic, optimistic and ambitious than most. I see almost any positive mark as a sign of continued success no matter how small it may be. I see optimism in often sometimes awful situations. Some see this as a weakness, however, I see it as a better way to dream. So with that, I dream.

I dream of a time completely different than what this world is like now. I dream of owning multiple businesses. I dream of being a published author. I dream of completing multiple masters programs. I dream of being more beautiful than I am now in twenty years. More so, I dream of a day where I find peace - where this world finds peace and evil does not exist. And I dream of the day that I will finally enter heaven and I hope that my dreams will not necessarily be accomplished but that I at least dreamed. And knew that there would one day be a better day because huddled in the tree while rain falls around, there is a greater knowledge that the troubles of our world now really will disappear.

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