Thursday, June 11, 2009

happy anniversary

As of Tuesday, June 9, I have been working full time for one year. It is hard to believe that it was just over one year ago that I graduated from college. I love that one year later, I am still enjoying my job, still learning and still "molding" my position.

One thing I've learned since I've been in the work force is not about work at all, but about life - it is constantly evolving. When in the academy, everything is based on the academic year, holidays and breaks. Although I am still on a similar schedule because I work at a university, my life no longer revolves around the academy. I no longer have a schedule for my life in terms of school. I have no idea what the following year will hold or where I will be. Yes, I plan on staying at my job, but essentially that could change in an instant.

The wheels in my mind are constantly turning to what is next (something I am always keen on) and now in the work force, I have the resources to take action on many of the actions those wheels "turn out" and the time. With that, my life plan is always changing as I take action on new ideas and happenings. I no longer have a planned academic year. My life is mine, well God's - to do with it as he guides. And although, this was the case when I was in college, I am now much more aware of it.

So Happy Anniversary to me and another year of learning, loving, and taking action - in life and at my job!

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