Thursday, August 9, 2007


My stomach just lurched again, but it's not as bad as the flip my heart did when I heard what the little birdy...otherwise known as Facebook, whispered into my ear last night. It sounded more like a yell to be perfectly honest. My ex-boyfriend Kevin is now engaged. How is that for lurching?

The strange thing is I shouldn't be upset. I broke up with him. And for reasons I am confident in, or at least was confident in. And I'm really not upset. I think it's just that "wow" factor of that could have been me and I messed it up. It's just heart lurching. That's the only way to say it. The recipe of the feeling being 1 part jealousy, 1 part curiousity, 1 part sad. All mixed together in a blender.

Then there is the other side. I am extremely happy for him. The girl is amazing. And I am happy I did get to date him for the time I did. So with that in mind, I congratulate him. That statement is final. The lurching is only temporary.

1 comment:

volleygirl1814 said...

I totally understand. A guy I dated is already one of my friends. How wierd is that?